

Prayer for Doctor

The creation of life and energy through the unification
of human and nature.

“Ki Haadam Etz Hasade”-Quote at the base.
“A person is like the tree of a field…” (Deut. Dvarim 20:19)
A tree needs the four basic elements in order to survive-
soil, water, air, and fire (sun).
Human beings also require the same basic elements.

Energy flow throught the Chakras and Sefirot
The 7 Chakras interlaced with the 7 Levels of the Kabbalah tree of life.
(not the 10 sefirot)

Sahasrara (above head) = Keter

Ajna (brow)= Binah Hokmah

Vishuddha (throat)= Gevurah Hesed Din

Ahanhata (heart)= Tifaret

Manipura (navel) =Hod

Swadhisthana (genitals)=Netzah

Muladhara (base of spine)=Yesod Shchina