Chamsa Love
The verses that encompass the art:
“I Am My Beloved’s And My Beloved Is Mine”
“I Have Found The One Whom My Soul Loves”
“The blossoms have been seen in the land, the time of singing has arrived, the voice of dove is being heard in our land”
The Chamsa depict the hand of Miriam, in reference to Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, as well as the (5) chamesh hand.
It serves as an ancient talismanic way of averting and getting protection from the evil eye, or more generally of providing a “protecting hand” or “Hand of God.”
It appears, often in stylized form, as a hand with three fingers raised, and sometimes with two thumbs arranged symmetrically.
The symbol is used in amulets, charms, jewelry, door entrances, and other places to ward the evil eye.