Genesis ~ Adon Olam ~ Lord Of The World


Lord of the world- Adon Olam

Beautifully printed Giclee illuminated artwork adds warmth and inspiration to your home.
For yourself and your loved ones.

The verse that surround the Genesis is the Kiddush of the Seventh day of the creation of the world
( Genesis book., Chapter 1)

The composition represent the creation of the world.
The bottom fiery red tones that looks like flames, describing the creation of the light, the day, the fire,
and all goes up to the blues cold colors (at the top) and blends in the water, nigh, blue sky and the dark universe.
The animals as part of the creation, the lions as a symbol of power, The nation Israel,
and freedom. The love birds- new beginning. Genesis is surounded with many tiny nature elements;
little seeds, blossoms, branches, vines, and flowers.
On the sides, standing tall the Shabbat candle holders.
The little egg banners can be customize with your names or any other special symbol.